Aidan: Mommy, are superheroes real?
Me: Well, no, not really.
Aidan: But daddy said he used to be a superhero.
Me: *battling the urge to tell him what I really think of his dad sometimes* Well, yes honey, all daddies are superheroes.
Aidan: Can they fly?
Me: Some superheroes can fly, but daddy superheroes may have different powers.
Aidan: Oh, I see a superhero flying right now *points to a bird in the distance*! That Daddy Superhero must be batman. He looks like a jet. Are jets real?
Me: Yes, jets are real.
Aidan: I wish that jets landed.
Me: They do land, just like airplanes.
Aidan: Have you seen a jet?
Me: Yes.
Aidan: Have you seen one land?
Me: Well, no, but I know they do.
Aidan: I want to drive a jet.
Me: You mean fly? You want to be a pilot?
Aidan: Can pilots drive jets?
Me: Yes, pilots can fly anything that…flies.
Aidan: I want to fly jets so I can pass out peanuts.
Me: *stifling a chuckle* Oh really?
Aidan: Yeah, you know those airplane peanuts?
Me: Yeah.
Aidan: Yeah, those are good.
Me: Yeah, they are.
Aidan: Are robots real?
Me: Yes, robots are actually real.
Aidan: Have you seen one?
Me: Yes, I’ve seen one. I’ve seen one that can vacuum your carpets.
Aidan: Do they wear costumes?
Me: Well, I guess some could…*racking my brain here…*
Aidan: Or they may not be robots at all; they could be people in there doing electronic body movements (keep in mind this is a four and a half year old talking).
Me: Electronic body movements, huh?
Aidan: Yeah. Oh look, mom, there’s your work (pointing to a building that’s not my work)!
Me: No, honey that’s not my work. That’s actually where Grampa Roger works though.
Aidan: Cool! You work with Grampa Roger?
Me: (starting to get annoyed at this point) No, bubby, I don’t work with Grampa. That’s not my building, remember? I said my building is way that way, downtown, in the really tall building.
Aidan: I wish there was a pink building.
Me: Actually, there is a pink building, right up here (nearing St. Francis on Yale at this point), it’s St. Francis.
Aidan: Are we going to go in her house?
Me: Who’s house?
Aidan: Francis.
Me: No, it’s no one’s house, it’s a hospital.
Aidan: Is she in there?
Me: Who?
Aidan: Francis.
Me: No, SAINT Francis isn’t a girl. He’s a Saint.
Aidan: Are we going to see him? (I’m pointing to the building now, as we’re passing – he’s satisfied at seeing a pink building)
Me: No, Saint Francis isn’t alive anymore. He lived a long time ago. He was a very good man who loved animals and loved God, and he spent a lot of time praying to God and being good to people. See (pointing to statue near the fountain), there he is there, that statue. It’s not real; it’s just a statue of him. He’s dead now.
Aidan: Oh, that’s too bad.
Me: Well, not really, he’s with God now, in Heaven.
Aidan: Is God dead?
Me: No, God lives forever and ever.
Aidan: But Francis is dead?
Me: Well…yes.
Aidan: When is our land going to die?
Me: Well, hopefully it doesn’t die. Hopefully our land will live forever. That’s why we have to make sure and take care of it.
Aidan: How do we take care of our land?
Me: Well, we don’t pollute.
Aidan: What does pollute mean?
Me: Uh…it means throwing trash all over the place and putting bad gasses into the air (reeeeaaaalllllyyy glad we’re getting close to school now).
Aidan: Yeah, we should take care of our land. Mom, I get to be breakfast helper at school today.
Me: Oh that’s fun. What doest he breakfast helper do?
Aidan: They pass out the milk and the juice and the food, and then you get to wash your hands and sit down.
Me: Oh, that sounds like fun. (walking him into school and hugging him goodbye)
As I walk him into the gym, bend down to hug and kiss him, I take note of his crusty brown chocolate milk mustache and mismatched socks. My little boy is growing up. I hope to never stop answering his questions and listening to his stories.
And I hope he’ll tell his friends that Mommies are superheroes too.
this is the funniest one i've read yet!!!
Posted by: Paul Dubie | 01/07/2011 at 04:28 PM
OH This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I love his inquisitive mind!!! And you ARE a superhero!!! You're an amazing mom!!!
Posted by: Danielle Hostutler | 01/07/2011 at 06:08 PM
oh, paul, he was on POINT this morning! i was ready for decaf by the time i left him at school. nad you're right danielle, he is so clever and creative, and i LOVE that he's asking millions of questions about his world. i do hope it never stops!
Posted by: Missy Rose | 01/07/2011 at 06:48 PM
I was just going to say what Paul said! The best one yet! Francis was my fave. "Are we going to see her?" hahaha! Ah, kids. Love yours.
Posted by: Megan Schell | 01/08/2011 at 06:06 AM