Drumroll please...please welcome to the blog Miss Melissa, my dear co-worker and mother of sweet Peyton. This might qualify as one of the most stellar coversations in the car I've ever heard. Read on, and enjoy...
So Kyle, Peyton and I were in the car driving home….
Me (while listening to some disgusting rap song on the radio): “Rap songs are getting so vulgar; it really makes me wonder how they are even allowed to be played on the radio”.
Kyle: “They have always been vulgar, I remember some of the songs my friends and I used to listen to and they were pretty bad”.
Kyle: Breaks into the song “my neck, my back” by Khia. In case you are unfamiliar here are the words to the main chorus (he didn’t do any bleeping or swapping), “My neck, my back, my (explicit word for the female genitalia, here’s your hint it starts with a p ends with a y and has uss in the middle) and my crack”.
Peyton (sitting quietly in the backseat taking it all in): “My neck, my back, my gussy and my crack”
We look back and catch him in the middle of some mad carseat dance moves and both die laughing….if you are a parent you know laughter only encourages more.
Peyton: “Hey dadda….My gussy and my crack!”
Oh Peyton, thanks for the laughs, buddy!
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