Read below to find out how you can purchase some yummy granola to help support my fundraising efforts for March for Babies. Read my story here. Find out how to donate to the cause here.
What's Mama-nola, you ask? Well...I've got a little story for you. Wanna hear it? Here it goes...
Once upon a time I was pregnant with a little pumpkin called Aidan. Seven months after that pumpkin, I was pregnant with another little muffin called Alec. I was a hungry little momma (for quite some time!) and needed snacks. Lots of them. I learned that the best way to steer clear of morning sickness (which is more like 'round-the-clock sickness) is to stay full of protein and nutrient packed foods. Also, it helped to snack at least every two hours to keep my blood sugar up and not give myself a chance to really get hungry, which would inevitably lead to nausea. So, I found a recipe for simple granola in a cookbook and each time i made it, added different ingredients. I made it in huge batches and had ziplock baggies of it stashed everywhere: purse, backpack, office, car, bedside table, coffee get the picture.
I learned that pregnant mommas need a lot of folic acid to support brain development in their babies, and also that omega-3 helps support that. Granola is so easy to customize, so I threw in some almonds, walnuts, and sunflower nuts to boost these nutrients, and a handful of dried cranberries for antioxidants. I used to incorporate flax seed, which is also a great source of omega-3, but have since learned that this can negatively impact hormone levels during pregnancy. I keep it in the nola I make for non-preggies though!
Long story short, as I began sharing my nola with friends and making it for other pregnant mommas, someone coined the name "Mama-nola" and it stuck. I also like to deliver big batches along with meals I make for my friends right after they welcome their little ones into the world. We all know there's no time to cook for yourself with a newborn in the house! Here are some pictures of how I create it, and a pretty little display of the end result!
Here's the grocery stash that's about to turn into pure yumminess!
First, mix up the dry ingredients...
A handful of this, and a handful of that...
Blend with the wet ingredients, smush it on the pan, and pop it in the oven!
A quick check of the scenery in case you forgot where you were...
And no, i didn't make that sign for myself. There's a fun story behind it, but we'll save that for another post!
Drumroll please....
One bag of fine, delicious, scrumptions, nutritious Mama-nola!
And it's all yours for the low, low price of $5.00. You can give me cashola for your nola, or make a secure donation straight to March for Babies on my fundraising website.
Here's to healthy babies and mommies!
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