DONE! Well, a start on #22 at least. I've officially purchased myself flowers. Who needs boys to do it for you?! Although, it sure is nice when they do. ::sigh:: Now we just have to keep up the tradition. First Friday of every month maybe? When the mood strikes me?
Here they are, in their splendor, at my desk. Aidan and Alec's pictures are making an appearance in the background.
One gorgeous gerber and a handful of freesia in assorted colors. I cannot get over the firey red and yellow ones. Did you know freesia came in varieties other than violet? Here, enjoy them up close:
Wish you could SMELL them; they're delicious!!
And who can resist getting right in the face of a gerber daisy. I love the big, fat, fuzzy stems!! And the yellow tracing the orange. Magic.
And as far as #35 goes. I called the landlord and left a message to fix the ice maker, hallway bathroom sink, and clothing rod in the boys' room. ::dusting my hands off:: I feel so accomplished already. Happy Friday!
Now...what to cross off next...
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