The time had finally come. The moment we'd been awaiting for weeks: attending the artist reception for Eric Joyner at Dwelling Spaces. Purchase of Robots and Donuts book, check. Study the book and choose favorite robot for Robot Man to write a letter on, check. Pre-show dinner date with my handsome little lovers, check. And now, drumroll please....
We have arrived!
First stop, right in the front door of the store, is the toy table. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, real tin robots, the subjects of the actual paintings.
And yes, Alec still has ketchup on his'll see that as a recurring theme throughout the pictures of the evening. We played with the robots for a while, and each of the boys picked one for us to buy and take home. This was quite the ordeal (real surprise). At first they both picked the same robot, the big blue one that says "Robot" on his chest. Then Aidan wanted Mr. Atomic, and took him out of the box and started playing with him. Well, while Mr. Atomic is the same price as the blue one (forgot his name), he's shorter in stature. So, after much bickering and complaining that Alec's robot was bigger, we finally got permission from beloved store owner, the ever so delicious Mary Babcock, to put Mr. Atomic back in his box and back on the shelf and choose another. Aidan chose Venus Robot, a girl....well, ok. As long as you're happy kid! Careful in a fight with the boy robots...we all know girls can beat up boys.
Alec admiring some of the signed prints hanging in the gallery while we wait in line to meet the Robot Man. "Look, Mommy. Donut!"
Aidan playing with a robot, making him fly. Notice, that is NOT a girl robot. That's Alec's robot. Yes, a "discussion" will ensue about this later. For the time being we are sans meltdowns, so I'm comfortable with the situation.
As we approach the table where Eric Joyner is signing books, I ask Aidan to find his favorite robot. Well, Aidan must be starstruck, because he opened the book blindly to a page I don't remember him talking about. It certainly wasn't the "Silly Robot" he'd chosen the night before! He places the book facing himself on the table (upside down to Eric).
Aidan is silent.
If you know Aidan in the least, you know he's not silent. He was seriously starstruck. SO sweet!
I prompted him to introduce himself, and tried to get him to tell him about the picture he'd chosen as his favorite, but we didn't really get anywhere (notice the little "hmmm" finger on Aidan's cheek), so, Joyner introduced himself and began his craft...
Little bubba Alec is enamoured.
The Robot Man himself drew Aidan his very own robot, using different colors. SO. COOL.
Here we are trying to rally for a picture. The boys are still stunned.
Here we are, Robot buzzed. I love my family!
And i love donuts...
And Matt loves beer.
Matthew, why didn't I get a pic of your pretty wifey or Clairey?
After a drive home with the Alvin and the Chipmunks soundtrack blairing, and bath and jammies, the boys are still playing with their robots as they snuggle in my bed before going to their own.
Robots Forever!!!
Missy, that is sooooooo cool! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm so glad to hear how the whole robot-donut adventure ended. You have made my day!
Posted by: Erin Barry | 03/24/2010 at 01:31 PM
OMG. How did I not know about this? What kind of a friend are you?
May I present one of my favorite possessions:
I love reading your blog! Life is chaotic with the boys no doubt, but how much fun is it? These are the memories the 3 of you will remember a life time. Love it! :)
Posted by: Ryan Arrowsmith | 03/24/2010 at 01:42 PM
Erin, thanks for loving it! More adventures to come I promise!
Ry - I think you MUST have been out of town. I'm not sure how you missed it at all and ASSURE you I will not neglect to inform you of future Boogie, Monkey, and Mommy adventures!!!
Posted by: Missy Rose | 03/24/2010 at 02:19 PM
i would like to note that i now am a HUGE fan of joyner's work. in my first installment of the Robot Man saga, i mentioned i wasn't very drawn to his work, that i'd never buy any to hang in my home. i love it now. you have to get his book people! the titles alone are insightful, clever, and thought-provoking. love it LOVE it!
Posted by: Missy Rose | 03/24/2010 at 11:03 PM