One of my favorite little shops in
A week or so ago, I stopped in while waiting for my to-go lunch from Yokozuma, the new Asian place that’s moved in next door, and purchased a sweet little pin for my jacket. Just couldn’t help myself, especially since 918 will not be our only area code soon! These things are treasures!!
While I was checking out, the shop owner handed me a card advertizing an upcoming artist reception and book signing with Eric Joyner.
I didn’t think much of it and put the card in my purse and headed back to work.
That evening, as can be common of three year olds, Aidan got to rummaging around in my bag looking for gum and ran across the card. He came running into the hallway where I was starting a load of laundry and asked what the card was. I told him it was about a man who does paintings about robots. He asked if I knew the Robot Man. I said no, but that he was going to have a party soon. I’m sure you can guess where the rest of the conversation went. My three year old is now uber excited to go and meet the Robot Man and eat donuts (I hope they’re dairy free!!).
I’m pretty excited too! At first glance I’m not particularly drawn the the artwork. At least in the sense that I probably wouldn’t purchase and hang it in my home. But it’s art, and Joyner is good at what he does. I refuse to pass up any opportunity to broaden the little horizons of my children and expose them to art, music, poetry, or any other cultural experience. I think I’ll buy Aidan his very own copy of Joyner’s latest book so he can choose his favorite picture to be signed by the artist. Won’t that be special?!
I hope kids are allowed at a “Donuts and Beer” reception…
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